Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Toady color study
This was something to keep me occupied during test renders...just a quick little color study from a pic of Toad Hall. I just loved the lighting so much I couldn't help myself.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Big Ol' Sketchdump..and Eli
So I came to the conclusion this week that I must sketch MORE. I was doing so well during the summer with two hours every day on the train, but I've been slipping here at school while I've been working on projects. THIS WILL NOT DO...I told myself...and so I sketched...a lot...and so help me, I will CONTINUE to sketch!!!

And more Pajama Gladiator Lighting...yey!

Sunday, October 14, 2007
First Pass Phoenix Kite
So here's an initial texutre pass for the phoenix kite for our senior project. I like the way the colors are going so far, so I think my next focus will be on specularity and displacement. There will be portions of the kite that have a thinner weave, creating a translucent effect so opacity maps and the like will be forthcomming.

Friday, October 12, 2007
Lion and the Mouse mattes
So this is what has caused me to drop off the face of the earth lately. Lion and the Mouse is a film here at school that has been in production longer than I've been here. It's almost done, adn lately I've been working on mattes for it. We're taking the exsisting mattes and adding some more elements to strengthen composition...so in the pics below I've painted all the trees, rocks, and far away background elements. Very fun! I'll post some close-up's of the individual elements later.

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